Various subjects
As might be expected, the whingers about the treatment of certain elements of government assistance have emerged, with Labor leading the way (The Australian’s editorial – not included below – can’t find any Labor acknowledgement of a budget problem) and the Premiers not far behind (see Andrew Bolt’s critique of them below). Also, The Age naturally finds it unfair.
However, there now seems wide recognition of the reality that, overall, this is not a “tough” budget and that increased revenue from tax increases, mainly from bracket creep, is a major contributor to the estimated reduction in the deficit.
The government will test the various opponents by seeking to have the budget passed in time to create a double dissolution threat. Between now and July there will be an ongoing battle to “sell” the budget and, if necessary, to attempt some horse trading.
Good news that Boko Haram is going to be listed by Australia as a terrorist organisation and that Duncan Lewis will succeed David Irvine at ASIO.
More Liberal party problems with ICAC in NSW, including a threatened jail sentence.
Unfortunately, I have been unable to access digitally the AFR photo of Mal Brough offering Clive Palmer in Parliament a glass of water while he is asleep during question time. How unfair!