Islam; Jailed Journo Implications;Obama;
An important development arising from the ISIS initiative in Iraq is the stimulation of discussion in the Western world about Islamic views/aims and, associated with that, the failure of Obama and his Administration to handle the issues developing from those views/aims – and other issues too (Obama seems more prepared to threaten Russia over its support of the “rogue” Russians in Ukraine). Attached are two relevant articles from a conservative journal published in the US, National Review, which is said to be read by senior Republicans.
the first article traces the spread of Islamic religiosity since well before the first Iraqi “invasion” and the failure to recognise the implications in the West until very recently. Based on the growing public dissatisfaction with Obama (his popularity rating has fallen to 40%), and the re-emergence of the Internal Revenue Service bias issue suggesting his likely involvement in the lead up to the second Presidential election, the second article puts the case for initiating action to try to impeach Obama. While from this distance that seems highly unlikely, the fact that it is “running” is likely to influence policies pursued by Obama in the last two and a half years of his period.
Whether that might cause a change to Iraq policies is another matter, but Kerry appears to be leaving open the possibility of US intervention in Iraq, at least with aircraft, and there now seems to be some kind of agreement with the Iraqi government that the military advisers being sent will be immune from legal action in Iraqi courts. US polling also shows majority support for “doing something” to help Iraq, although not by sending troops.
Relevant to this is the Egyptian judicial decision to jail an Australian journalist working for Al Jazeera English. The article below indicates the new President of Egypt’s opposition to the Muslim movement there, and the extensive financial support received from Saudi Arabia (where the royals fear a take-over and have outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood). This means any reprieve is unlikely. It also leads to the conclusion that, notwithstanding that the two countries are not democracies and have normally unacceptable judicial decisions, the Western world is better off with their regimes in the Middle East than with the others.
Another example of the result of exposure of Islamic views is the decision to cancel a lecture at the Sydney Opera House entitled “Honour killings are morally justified” by a spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir. This body is basically a supporter of terrorist activity but has so far managed to avoid being outlawed in Australia – but is in several other countries. The involvement in arranging the lecture of the St James Ethics Centre, and the Opera House management, illustrates the astonishing naivety of those who support freedom of speech and religion without regard to the objectives.
The Abbott government has again indicated it will take preventitative legal action against Australians who have undertaken jihadist activity and Labor has given in principle support. The Minister for Immigration has also indicated a preparedness to revoke citizenship of dual citizens. But the opportunity exists for more to be done by outlawing advocacy of terrorism and associated activity in Australia.